Randoms: IRandoms: I

  1. Poop jokes: Men get off on poop(y) jokes. Women? Get over it; they're funny.
  1. "If you don't have an iPhone, you don't have an iPhone." WTF? Exactly which group of morons are they targeting? Oh, right. The ones who need a "guide" to find music.
  2. Why is I capitalized but me (my, mine) isn't?
  3. On social media: #TwitterMakesYouStupid. Discuss.
  4. Exchange on The Big Bang Theory between Wolowitz, Hofstadter and Koothrappali after Wolowitz experiments with a robot hand:
    Wolowitz: "Not funny, Leonard!"
    Koothrappali: "Really? A robot hand has a death-grip on your junk, dude. That's funny."
  5. Groupon is not sustainable. (We can talk about it, but there's no future in discounting your own business and paying someone else to do so.)
  6. The "New Math": According to the National Association of Realtors™, I and one other person could create 1 new job, and pump $60K into the US economy. All the two of us have to do is spend $540K (plus interest). Of course, the NAR is doing this as a public service.