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warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/pagestep/public_html/drupal/modules/taxonomy/ on line 34.

Web browsers. Yes, I mean IE.

Well, here I go again. Web browsers, this time. Most who know me understand well enough that I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft, but I figure appropriate tools, blah, blah, blah. Plus, it's pretty difficult to argue with a ~35% (as of this writing) market share (v6, 7 and 8 ). IE v6 and earlier versions were nightmares (as every web developer who's been driven to fall into a vat of cheap liquor well knows). I thought perhaps v7 or 8 would make some amends, but, I may yet devolve into a drunken sot too if I attempt to get Drupal to behave with IE - any version.