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Head Scratcher's blogHead Scratcher's blog

Sayings, mantras, etc.

[update 8 April 2010] This article is defunct. It has been replaced by the quotes you see at the bottom of every page. Maybe I'll figure out how to get a Quotes page configured and displaying the way I want  it to some time. Stay tuned...

[update 6 May 2010] Quotes page is now up.


Web browsers. Yes, I mean IE.

Well, here I go again. Web browsers, this time. Most who know me understand well enough that I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft, but I figure appropriate tools, blah, blah, blah. Plus, it's pretty difficult to argue with a ~35% (as of this writing) market share (v6, 7 and 8 ). IE v6 and earlier versions were nightmares (as every web developer who's been driven to fall into a vat of cheap liquor well knows). I thought perhaps v7 or 8 would make some amends, but, I may yet devolve into a drunken sot too if I attempt to get Drupal to behave with IE - any version.

Rush Limbaugh leaving the US?

I hear Rush Limbaugh is leaving the United States soon. While some may feel that socialized medicine is little more than a death knell for countries that implement it, I take solace in the fact that Canada already has it, so Rush is unlikely to move here.

Whew. Dodged that bullet!

News at 11

"11 minutes of uninterrupted news at 11." This is the slogan for KIRO 7 (Seattle's CBS affiliate). Wow. Just what I need. 11 minutes of uninterrupted news - vs what? 10 minutes on ABC's affiliate?

Tail of the Tiger

Tail of the TigerI'm sure you've heard about Tail of the Tiger. Well, one of the um, "objects" of its product appears to have taken exception to the format of this endeavor.